Thursday, March 3, 2011

Earth, Wind and Water

The weather in Monaco is highly affected  by its location on the Mediterranean cost. Located at latitude 43 degrees north, It is considered to be located in a Latitiude of Deficit, because it does not get any vertical direct sunlight. Its highest average temperature is in july at about 71 degrees.  Most of its  Average Annual precipitation of 30 In can be attributed to the hydrological cycle that it takes a part in.  The water that evaporates from the sea is blown inland by winds and causes rain in the hills of Monaco. 
Clouds Moving Inland (

Rain In the City (

Whenever the precipitation rate exceeds the infiltration of the ground overland flow is formed.  This is especially noticeable in urban areas where the built environment has low permeability which does not allow the water to percolate into the ground.

Overland water flow

The precipitation combined with the slopes from the hills creates an ideal structure for mass wasting. This can cause flows of rocks or soil aided by the lubrications from the water. Another factor that makes Monaco susseptable to mass wasting is undercutting. Construction of roads and building at the bottom of the hills make the area susceptible to rock falls and slides. 

